What is summer cleaning?

Summer is the perfect time to throw open the windows, let in the fresh air and sunshine, and give your home a deep clean. But what exactly is "summer cleaning" and how is it different from your regular cleaning routine? In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about summer cleaning, from the key areas to focus on to tips for getting it all done efficiently. Whether you do it yourself or hire professional Austin cleaning services, a thorough summer clean will help your home look its best and set you up for a more relaxing season.

Focus on Outdoor Areas

One of the biggest differences with summer cleaning compared to the rest of the year is the focus on outdoor spaces. Warmer weather means more time spent outside, so you'll want to make sure your patio, deck, grill, and outdoor furniture are clean and ready for use. Sweep away leaves and debris, scrub down surfaces, and consider re-staining or resealing wood if needed. Don't forget often-overlooked areas like exterior door frames and window sills. Enlist the help of cleaning services in Austin if you have extensive outdoor spaces that need attention.


Tackle Seasonal Chores

Summer is also the ideal time to take care of once-a-year cleaning tasks. These may include:

  • Washing windows and screens

  • Cleaning and organizing the garage

  • Vacuuming upholstered furniture and washing slipcovers

  • Cleaning ceiling fans and light fixtures

  • Decluttering and organizing closets

  • Washing shower curtains and bath mats

  • Cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer

Spreading out these chores over the summer months will make them more manageable. Create a schedule and tackle one bigger job each week in addition to your regular cleaning.


Maintain Cleanliness

With kids home from school, more get-togethers and activities, and increased foot traffic in and out, it can be challenging to keep your house clean during the summer. The key is to have a system for maintaining cleanliness on a daily and weekly basis:

  • Do a quick tidy-up each night before bed - put away items, load the dishwasher, wipe down counters.

  • Vacuum high-traffic areas a couple times per week.

  • Clean the kitchen daily, including wiping appliances and cabinet fronts.

  • Wash towels and bathmats weekly.

  • Keep cleaning supplies handy in a caddy for quick touch-ups.

If staying on top of cleaning starts to feel overwhelming, consider hiring an Austin cleaning service to help out on a regular basis. Even a monthly deep clean can make a big difference.


Summer cleaning goes beyond your standard cleaning routine to get your home ready for the season. By focusing on outdoor areas, tackling seasonal deep-cleaning chores, and having a plan to maintain cleanliness, you can enjoy a clean, fresh home all summer long. Don't be afraid to enlist help, whether that's getting your family to pitch in or hiring professional cleaning services Austin. With a bit of extra effort, your home will be summer-ready in no time!


10 Summer Cleaning Tips