10 Summer Cleaning Tips

Summer is the perfect time to throw open the windows, let in some fresh air, and give your home a deep clean. A thorough summer cleaning will help eliminate dust, allergens, and grime that have accumulated over the colder months. It will leave your living space feeling refreshed and ready for all the fun summer activities ahead.

Whether you do it yourself or hire professional Austin cleaning services, here are 10 essential summer cleaning tips to get your home in tip-top shape:

Declutter and Organize

  1. Go through each room and ruthlessly declutter, donating or tossing items you no longer need or use. Less clutter will make your upcoming cleaning tasks much easier.

  2. Organize drawers, closets and cabinets. Store winter items and make space for summer essentials. Well-organized spaces are easier to keep clean.

Tackle the Big Tasks

  1. Wash all bedding, including pillows, duvets and mattress covers. Hang them outside in the sun to dry if possible for an extra fresh scent. Consider flipping or rotating your mattress.

  2. Deep clean carpets and rugs to remove embedded dirt and dust mites. Hire professional carpet cleaners or rent a machine and do it yourself. Don't forget area rugs and doormats.

  3. Wash your windows, inside and out, to let the summer sunshine in. Don't forget window sills and frames. Clean blinds and curtains too.

  4. Move furniture to vacuum underneath and in crevices. Vacuum upholstery and remove cushions to get into creases where dust collects.

Detail Clean High-Use Areas

  1. Give your kitchen a thorough scrub, focusing on the stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, and sink. Organize the pantry and toss any expired food. Clean small appliances and wipe down cabinets.

  2. Make bathrooms sparkle by deep cleaning the tub, shower, toilet, sink and floors. Wash or replace shower curtains and bathmats. Reseal grout lines if needed.

  3. Clean and organize outdoor spaces you'll be using frequently in summer, like patios, decks and porches. Wash outdoor furniture and cushions. Tidy the garage and clean sports/camping gear.

  4. Don't forget often-overlooked areas like ceiling fans, light fixtures, baseboards, door frames, and air vents. Dust crown molding and any high-up shelves or ledges.

Hire Help If Needed

If this summer cleaning checklist seems overwhelming, consider hiring professional services to tackle some or all of the tasks. Professional cleaners have the equipment and expertise to do a thorough deep clean efficiently.

Many cleaning services Austin offer one-time deep cleans perfect for summer refresh projects. With their help, you can get your home summer-ready without the stress and time commitment of doing it all yourself.


Summer cleaning is a bigger job than regular weekly cleaning, but the payoff is well worth the effort. You'll breathe easier, feel more organized, and be ready to fully enjoy the season in a clean, fresh home.

Pace yourself, enlist help from family or professionals like Austin Cleaning Services as needed, and reap the benefits of a job well done. With these summer cleaning tips, your home will be primed for a season of fun in the sun!


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